10 Things I've learnt after watching "Fearless"

Monday, January 30, 2006

Once again, its time for movies, since Chinese New Year is here and we have both the time and money to go catch some show.

This time, it was "Fearless", with 3 other guys.
ii. Kev and Steben.
Making it our yearly affair for movies at Balestier.

Anyway, here goes...

10 Thing I've learnt after watching "Fearless"

1. If your father refuses to teach you martial arts, its probably for the better, if you think about it, he probably doesn't want you to get hurt.

2. Don't go fight someone bigger size than you with some half-arse martial arts. Practise until you damn zia, then go try to whack someone, if not, YOU will get whacked.

3. Make a friend for life, preferably when you're young. Then you can leech on him, ie: make him do your calligraphy for you, open a resturant that you can dine in, no need to pay for, thrash it and at the end of the day, still bruder enough to sell the damn place for a martial arts centre for you. Swee?

4. If your disciple/student is beaten up, ask for the REASON first. You wouldn't wanna go aroung whacking the shit out of people to realise that the loser is whacked cos he cheated on some guy's wife. Not worth it right. You should be the one who's having fun with the above mentioned char bor.

5. Fried egg can make a movie goer hungry.

6. Better to be bilingual. If not you ask someone to translate something, he'll tell the other guy that you wanna kick his arse. Which is so not true. Especially if the other guy is as big as and probably weighs the same as a small car.

7. Use your own weapon. Don't go aroung using a three piece thingy when you're trained in using a katana. You WILL make a fool out of yourself should you try to wield the 3 piece meal thingy, ie: hit your head with one of the segments.

8. If you puke black blood. You're probably poisoned.

9. About 8. Always ensure that someone is watching your beverage. You can have 10, 372 eyes watching you throw a punch and cheering but they can't see someone trying to swap your drink and start yelling a warning.

10. Jet Li is FAST. And I mean freaking fast. He moves faster at what, 40 plus than I move at 20. Hell, I think he can move half as fast and I still can't catch up.

And that's all folks.
Lessons I've learnt.

PS: Oh, I forgot to say that there was some spoilers in the stuff above.