No forevers and evers, nor are there yesterdays once more...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I have to admit, this post was the result of me listening to too much oldies and sappy love songs when I was driving back from school for dinner.

Coming to terms that forever and ever is, and will always be, a fantasy.
Used to think that in terms of relationships and such. Me.
But cynicism started creeping in.
So did reality.
So did the heartbreaks and the regrets.
We often forget that there can't be forever and ever.
For we are mortal.

And if we can't live till then, then why make the promise for forever and ever?
Lies. Then.
It will be.

Yesterday once more?
Not this time for me.
I had too much yesterdays to plague and cripple me.
I don't need another yesterday to anchor me to the past and shroud the vision of the future.
Though I must admit.
There are songs still, that can make me cry.
There are memories still, that can make me hurt.