And he said: "Do we have to?"

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Me: Hey ask you something ah... for all that's been said, how come we never think of explaining things to our parents?"

Him: "Do we have to? Our actions will prove them wrong."

I hope that day will come. 

For now, we're still jobless, and I'm not so proud of it anymore.
I'm broke, harangued, nagged at, looked down by... the list goes on.

Am I too slack or still trying to hold out for the perfect job?
Even I dunch quite know about it. 

The late night supper for this Saturday were various forms of  'TT Durai'.
The score for the fantasy league is quite dismal.
The time I reached home was around 3.
The time I spent playing Dota is around 2 hours.
The time I have to sleep is slightly less than 2 hours.

And I'm still jobless.
And broke.

I quit.

PS: For those who sees funny symbols, try changing the encoding. I dunno what the fiack is wrong again...