On a...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Had lunch with someone from the past.
My past.
If this had happened, then things might have turned out differently, eh?
But like what we agreed on.
It doesn't make a difference now babe, does it?


Tony Roma's at the Orchard Hotel. Hence the long sleeved shirt. (archally that was for another place but we shan't dwell on that...)
The rest of them feeling rich and eating rich would be: 

Lady Boss

Mr Snake(aka Xiao Bai)

And finally, the man who jus came to join us...

Kevin Wee aka Lobart

After dinner activities,
Not a bad show, but not good either.
3 ciggys out of 5.
Not worth a weekend watch.

The 3 survivors of a friggin' fierce Tony Roma's dinner.

Thank you guys, for the dinner invitation, the show watching, and of cos, the company.
One of the reasons why I still miss NUS...


The (un)holy Four-ckers meet up at long last.
Holland V, Starf**ks.

Mr Wong and Mr Snake

Jem our resident swindler.. I mean lawyer.
*Notice I wasn't in the pictures cos I was the one taking them, plus I have'nt gotten the rest of the pics from Jem yet...

We should do this more often too guys.
Our meet ups are too far and few...

Evening was steamboat dinner with the crew of "Love under the sign of the Dragon".(corny name I know...)
As usual, I got lost trying to navigate the labyrinth of life = late.
Had a relatively ok dinner.
Had a better coffee session later though.
Define irony:
Irony is me missing you even though you were sitting just across me.
Irony is listening to your 'love rival' telling you things that you didn't know about a certain someone, things you wished you knew, and things you probably won't know if he hadn't said anything.
Ah... the little ironies of life.
To top off an exciting day, met up with the Snake, led him to MoS, and proceed to leave the car there.
Reason being?
Sending someone back. But that's for us to know. And not for ye all to find out.


Stayed at home.
Nuff' said.


Housewarming party at Jase's 'house'.


Sleep(or the lack of it)

And this week, well, its a whole new week folks...