My 2nd time...

Monday, July 09, 2007

Wearing the graduation gown that is.

I have seriously no idea why and how I was possessed to wake up in the morning(well, not exactly morning, but to me its early morning lah...) and rush to the good NU of S to take pictures in the bleedy gown. In the suffocating heat no less.

But well, at least it was fun.
Taking nonsense pictures with people whom I realised, were the best part of my stay in uni.
Smoking while in full attire, gown and all, with a dude that's well, the legacy from my stint of serving the nation with 'pride'.
Having the great pleasure of taking a graduation picture with a man who is snake/uncle agony/lao gan/friend/brother all rolled into one.
Meeting up, having a proper bitching/gossiping/catching up session with old friends, shiok.

The 1st time was memorable,
the 2nd?
It was sweeter.

PS: So what happened to the mad idea of taking pictures at the Esplanade? With our gowns?!?!?!?!

PPS: Don't watch Die Hard 4 for Maggi Q. You'll be sorely disappointed. Her screen time no enough. Hmph!