Crime, Punishment and Sorry, that's my Dinner you're looking at...

Monday, March 03, 2008

Seems like I'm rather preoccupied with crime these today.
Just finished watching "A Clockwork Orange" this evening after blitzing through "Minority Report" in the afternoon.
Somehow, the notions in these 2 mediums interest me.
Notion of "aversion therapy" and "Precrime" somewhat appeals to me.
Maybe it's my work, maybe I'm just bored.
But one thing is for sure, I shouldn't be preoccupied by such stuff in my free time...

On another note, I realized I'm pissed by a certian breed of people in the foodcourt.
You know, those bunch of bleedy stupid blighters who will, when your food is just served to you and you're busy picking out the chopsticks and spoons, comes real close to you, sniff at your food, and take a real long time to ogle at it.
Sorry but excuse me, that's my friggin' dinner you're staring at.
If you want to leer at some food, here's f**king $5, take it, buy some food, and leer all you want. If it pleases you, you could actually polish your brass monkey while you're at it.
I mean seriously, if you're curious as to what the food a certain stall is selling, all you have to do is look at the pictures they have on the stall.
If not, at the very least, you could steal a glance at what others are getting without intruding into their private space and mentally ravishing the food right in front of them.
Some people are just born stupid.
And I mean it. These are exactly those kind of people.
I tell you, if STUPIDITY was a crime, I'll probably pay to be in the police force...