Work. Life. Balance.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Work Life Balance.
The magical words that we all love to hear.
But know deep inside that that's a rather thin life between work and life.
If you hadn't notice by now, work seem to be stepping over and into life most of the time.
I for one never did get to enjoy life after work.

Let's do the maths.
You start your day at the grand time of say... 730(me for example), you brush, shower, shit, whatever.
You reach the office around say... 830.
Your engines start running after the morning coffee and ciggy so we put it as full steam ahead from 9 onwards.
Lunch break is a one hour affair from 1300 - 1400.
You come back to slave through the mundane hours of 1400 to 1800 (bless you who has no OT!)
That leaves you free from 1800 onwards.
But wait.
Let's say if you are conditioned to knock in a solid 7 hours of sleep, and given the fact that you need to wake u at 730, the absolute latest you need to touch down at home is probably... 2300?
Leaving 2300 - 1800 = 5 hours.
We are assuming that you don't drive, so travelling might shave an hour off the 5 hours, coupled with a stopover for dinner that will take the better part of an hour,
leaving you with a grand total of 3 hours.
So where's the work life balance?
I certainly cannot see what I can do in 3 hours that will counter the labor I put in for a good 7 - 8 hours of work in a day.

So, is it any wonder why I try to make the night last as long as possible?
I'm trying to achieve the balance, in my own little ways...