Things. Change...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The more things change, the more they remain... insane

-- Michael Fry and T. Lewis, Over the Hedge, 2004

How true.
Many a times, we make the mistake of being comfortable.
Being comfortable with your life, being comfortable in your job, being comfortable in your seat etc etc....
But how many times must we be slapped with the fact that change is always happening, that your life might get better if you win the lottery, you job might get worse with an economic downturn, your arse might hurt if you sit in the seat for too damn long.
And it's funny that at the back of our mind, we have a feeling that this might happen, yet we get all shook up when the actual change occur. Just for the f**k of it I suppose. 
In the end, we'll accept the changes. Some of us take faster to accept, some take longer.
But eventually, we'll all have to accept it, sooner or later, unless you're expired, which in itself, brings about another set of changes.............

And the irony is that everytime I check, whenever things change, they still do not make sense. At all. 

Certain things are happening for me in the workplace. 
I can't say I saw it coming, and I'm still rather shell-shocked to be honest. 
And yes, it does not make sense. 
For me at least. 

The question now is: How long am I going to take to accept the inevitable?

PS: Sorry BB having been able to get the post up. Will do so asap I promise...

The B-cation....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

To whom it may concern,

The BBs will be uncontactable from 11th - 18th April due to a short B-cation in Taiwan.
Will only be replying to SMS-es and maybe emails.
Phone calls are strongly discouraged unless its a life-or-death situation or an update on Man U's results in the coming week.
Please be informed that the BBs will enjoying themselves with wild abandon, no worries about that.
In the meantime, take care now. Bye bye then.

Mr Bubs signing off.

PS: Btw this is done on the computer terminal in Changi. Song bo!!!

Ho ho ho....

Monday, April 06, 2009

I just love the look on the boy's face! :)

These kind of days...

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

You know when you have days when nothing goes right.
Today seems to be one of them.

Because everything that can go wrong, is going wrong.

Darn... what a LONGGGGGGGG day :(