So much, so little...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So much has happened from the last time I blogged.
The BPL has ended its season, I've gotten a new toy, working at my new posting for a month already....

So much I can say.
So little time I can find.

Or maybe I've gotten less inclined to blog now, with the speedy updates one can provide on the social medium call FACEBOOK.

I just need to find the time and the motivation to do something about my soon to be dead blog.
And the time will not be today sadly.
Next time, next time...

In time, in time...

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Visit to Universal Studio Singapore.

Bowling game with Reccos.

All will be revealed in time.
In time...

It might just be... me

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

After a series of rather unfortunate incidents, I've come to a shocking conclusion.

That it might just be... me.

This series is just too damn bizarre to explain it any other way.
And looking through the common element in each and every case where stocks tumbled, hard disk fouled up, missed 4D prizes and today, a major cock up involving my new posting date, my superb intectual senses pointed out the thread that bound everything together.

It is none other than yours truly.

No wonder there's a strange humming sound in the air.
That's the sound of me vibrating every so slightly now and then to the strange tunes of fate pulling me in the weirdest direction...

Clearing the air...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I've always thought that the worst load to bring over from one place to another is a load of bad blood.

It would appear that I might have to leave this place with the abovementioned load.
But who was to say for sure?
Because in the span of an afternoon conversation, the air was cleared.
Well, sort of...

Guess it's better than nothing.
For now, let me just tie up the loose ends here.

And today...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today, today.
Today has got to be one of the most eventful day of my life.

For today, I had to become a conniving liar, a poker face actor and eventually, a serious man going down on his knees to ask the girl of his dreams to be the woman of his life.

Today is the day the Bs family take another step.
Another step towards the culmination of our love.

Today, today.
On today, the 27th of February 2010, I asked the love of my life to marry me.
She said yes.

Today, I am truly a very happy, proud and contended man.

PS: Special thanks going out to the following people. Jamesy and Kevin Wee, thanks for helping me film the video thingy, and Jamesy, it was too bad you aren't around to see everything. To Betty, Phil, Kevin Wee, Wenqi and Yz. A big thank you(again!) to all you guys. Like I said, anything and everything will not be possible without your aid. Owe you guys 1x big one.

PPS: Love my Bb Boo aka Mrs Bubs to bits!!!

PPPS: We left the light sticks there to see if a few months down the road they'll still be there. If you guys are interested, can go Labrador Park to check it out >.<

New Year come and go...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

With barely a whisper, the Lunar New Year period is going to just past us by.
In just a matter of days, the house will lose its vibrant decorations, the malls a more peaceful place without the endless stream of New Year songs and the New Year-ish pleasantries will be kept in storage till the next year.

And we would have lamented the passing of yet another year.
Older, richer and somewhat wiser for all of us, I hope.

For yours truly, the good ole' year of 2009 was not an easy one.
There were days or moments so hard I had to struggle just to get a footing, and looking back, I wonder how I managed to get past those times?
Guess a bottle of Chivas is enough to take the edge of these thorny times...

Been rather inactive in the blogging scene for quite some time.
Maybe I should improve on this aspect as well.
Maybe I should put it down in my resolutions list.

Or maybe I should just go grab some sleep...
Till the next time

-- Timmy out

And the plot thickens...

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Got blindsided, bitch-slapped and bulldozed on the first day of work after a 3 week hiatus (ie: Reservist).

If everything goes according to plan, I'll be looking at new faces with a change of different places.

Yes I've been reassigned.
From the capital to the province.
A fall from grace some might say.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
Only time will tell.

In the meantime, I'll be packing my stuff, watching my back and hopefully, survive long enough to see how it all plays out.
Because, because... the plot thickens...


Monday, February 01, 2010

It was never going to be an easy transition.
After weeks of inactivity that comes with serving the nation with pride,

this was one heck of a Sunday night.

I knew it was going to be hard to get to bed earlier.
But luckily for me it there was always Man United to keep me awake.

But after the 90 minutes, what next?
The mind knows that it needs the rest,
but the body is not ready to give up the fight.

The worst part?
The missus is not around to make sure I'll be able to have a good sleep.

I dread the Monday Blues already.

A short wait...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Looks like we won't be having the pictures taken so soon.

A trip to purchase.
A visit to dine.
A detour to chat.

It all led to us having to push back the dates for the photoshoot.
Guess I'll have more time to lose the excess baggage, trim the fats and hopefully remain lean for the camera.

Best part of it all.
We realized that if all else fails, we have a backup.

Don't you just love the sound of it?

Do not disturb, Fairy Godmother @ Work...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tis was not going to be an ordinary weekend for us.

Because this time, we're going to do something that is not for us.
Something that the missus managed to cajole me into doing.

This was the something...

Separating bean sprouts from the husks.

The missus at work.
All for her favourite-st li'l gal: Reia (also known as RX9)

An attempt by yours truly to expedite the process.
But alas, resistance was futile.
It was always faster to do the traditional way = pick every single fuggin' bean sprouts.

Next step, bringing the husks for a tanning session...

The fruitsssssssss of our labour.

And in the end, we realised.
It was all worth it.
Just a li'l gift from us to you, our dear Reia! :)

And so, it was no more...

Friday, January 15, 2010

The record was finally broken.
In the early morning of a cool, crisp Wednesday.

The pounding of feet, the catching of breath and the last burst attempt at acceleration...

It was all in vain.
What was not meant to be that day, remain a thorn in my mind.

It was going to be the most costly 21 seconds of my life yet.

And this was to mark the year.
The record of having a minimum silver standard for my IPPT since the army days was broken.

13 Jan 2010.

I have marked this day.
This will not be forgotten.

PS: The only other consolation is that should I stick with the results, I will not have to take any IPPT test for this year.... hm...

Happy New Year...

Monday, January 04, 2010

Happy New Year!!!
(a few days too late though...)

Looking through the blog posts, I've come to realize that I might need more consistency in blogging.
Could that be a new year resolution?

Let's wait and see shall we?

In the meantime... here's to a great year ahead.
