Happy Birthday to you too....

Friday, August 28, 2009

Erm... Happy Birthday to you too.

It's amazing out of the various pictures I have of you, this is one of the few that you have the most exposure.
Rather amazing how the year has passed us by, cruising down the good ole' PI of E.
With just the rush of the wind and the renditions of the songs I've managed not to mangle.

In any case, you'll be getting a paint job soon.
Just think of it as... a belated birthday present.......

The day the Earth stood still... and I snapped....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Yes it wasn't gracious of me.
It wasn't even fair.

The spiky hair twat probably had the intelligence of a deranged monkey.
Come to think of it, it looked like a cross between an ape and a mangled doll.

It was uncalled for, surely.
For I was minding my own business, and balance of course.
I was attempting to go uphill on a pair of roller blades mind you.
And for those who bladed with yours truly, you should know that I possess the grace of a hippo and the agility of a turtle with Xmas shopping.
ie: I suck at blading.

So picture this:
Timmy boy attempting to navigate a hill while trying hard not to fall flat on his face while the missus zoomed up the treacherous path with nought a care in the world.
Funny scene?
You bet it was.

Now picture the abovementioned abomination stomping its way up the same hill with its herd, consisting of mother abomination and brother abomination.

Next, picture the missus zooming past them in a perfect pose of poise personification.
Then, picture Timmy boy lagging lubberly behind her.

This is the best part.
Imagine the scene, just imagine, the point when yours truly managed to lunge past the trio of terror, the spiky hair slimeball midget actually got the cheek to blurt out:

"Wah, so lousy. So slow and clumsy!"

The Earth stood still.
Time itself stood still, as if it was afraid to take another breath.
For in the next instance...

I managed to execute a pirouette (on blades no less!), stopped, and stared the vile, obnoxious being down. (it was quite easy actually, since that bugbear was paltry excuse of a creature)

The next words that boomed out were:

"Eh boy, you think you very good ah. You come, you come and try, and if you can do it, then you can talk to me like that."

Cost of petrol to Pasir Ris park: $2 (or thereabouts)
Cost of roller blades for an hour: $6
Cost of the look on the terrorized trio's ugly mugs: PRICELESS

At this point, the midget monstrosity was rendered speechless.
It's maternal being had the saving grace to look more than a tad embarrassed and hushed it up before herding it away from the imposing wrath of me.

Timmy boy 1 - Rude Runt 0

I rock.

Lesson learnt:

If you think you are better, please. And I beg you, PLEASE, show me that you are better, before shooting your mouth off.
Because if you are, I will be rendered speechless.
I might even compose an eulogy about your awesome-ness.
If not, I will make you speechless.

PS: The missus wasn't privy to this little incident cos she was already at the rental shop taking off her blades. I recounted the incident to her in full details and got a consolation kiss as a result.
I rock again.

Bcation Bubsliday Booneymoon to Bintan!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our anniversary getaway.......... Bintan!

More will be revealed...

Happy Anniversary...

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Happy Anniversary my dearest Baby Boo.

It's the first of many to come....

As always, love love...

Kelong with the Bitches...

Friday, August 07, 2009

It was an idea conceived months ago.
How and why it came about is beyond my capacity to recall.
All I know is, we realized that it was a rather overdue trip that we should have, and if not now, then when?

Hence, the birth of a new saga.
A saga that will see us travel through stony bridges, bumpy dirt roads and heaving seas, just to reach the promised land.

But who are we?

We, are the BITCHES.....

I give you, in alphabetical order, the Bitches of the sea.....

First up, we have....

Beng aka CWB (Catan Winning Bitch)

Giang aka SSRRB (Sly Slutty Rich Rude Bitch)

Iban aka TUB (The Ultimate Bitch)

Kevin Wee aka CB (erm.... Conquering Bitch)

Sining aka MB (MTV Bitch)

Timmy aka FB (Fat Bitch)

Yz aka FPB (Failed Planning Bitch)

So where were we?

Hotboys Kelong....
The gathering of the bitches.
Ah Wee was somewhere settling admin stuff (for the first time!).


A game of UNO before lunch.
Best quotes of the game were from Yz the FPB.....

Yz: "I have a plan for winning..."
Minutes after Nings won...

Yz: "I have a plan to not be the last.."
Minutes after everyone else UNO-ed....

Yz: "NO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

GG no RE.

While waiting for lunch to be ready, here's what some of us did:

Them lazy buggers.
The only reason why Yz woke up for lunch was the comment by Ah Wee.

"Eh, if Yz is not waking up for lunch I'll eat his share!"

Seconds later, we heard a flurry of movement.
Next thing we know, the FPB was seated at the lunch table, citing "I'll never let him(Ah Wee) eat my share!" as the main motivation for lunching.

Iban the TUB was not in the least affected by the threat of us coveting his share of lunch.
Lazy indeed.

Our very first attempt at a spot of fishing before lunch.
CB managed to hook 2 fishes.

A short nap after lunch ensured the path to obesity for some of us,
while individuals like me just rested our body mind and soul...

Next activity that the bitches undertook:
Island Hopping!
Though in truth, we visited a lone island, with the boat parked in a pier halfway from our final destination, traversed through a path littered with landmines(ie: SHIT) and have to sometimes endure erratic behaviour from some of the bitches.
Behaviour such as this:

Making totally no sense in posing for this.
*Although I must credit myself for persuading the 2 of them to conjure up something like this...

Shots at the beach.

MTV-ish shot i might say.
Though Yz spoilt the picture by indulging in what seems to be his favourite activity nowadays.
Hogging the limelight by posing in the weirdest way possible.

Seeing that there wasn't much to do after dinner, and we have absolutely no interest in diving or fishing in inky black darkness... we moved to....

Our new favourite game: Settlers of Catan!

Our evergreen group game: Quelf!

Scenes of the various forfeits and actions as dictated by Quelf.

The pseudo-Fisherman.
Who keeps getting his line entangled, hook getting stuck somewhere somehow, line cannot be reeled in... the list goes on...

Parting shots of the toilet that goes nowhere but straight down into the ocean....

Home sweet home.
Not to forget a round of shaker fries to satisfy the cravings.
Honestly, I have no idea how or when it started, but just hours before heading home, we were afflicted by an overwhelming urge to have shaker fries.....

Blistering Barnacles!
Goodbye Hotboys Kelong!

Happy Boosy Day! - extended version

Monday, August 03, 2009

Just as I've promised.... more pictures of the special Booday!!!

First up we have the missus being forced to look for her present in the house.
In my room to be more exact.
Here's the missus trying her darndest best to seek that which is obvious, but not very obvious....

She was searching high and low, up and down, in and out.....
Only to find this:

Sony Digital Photoframe!

Not to forget a picture of us to inaugurate the photoframe!

After a good night of rest, the BBs were all reaedy to conquer....

Silly stuff that only we are capable of doing. Shamelessly no less...

Our declarations of love!
Pardon the handwriting though, we weren't exactly used to the pen...

Even more random pictures of the Science Centre.
I guess you just can't take out the camwhores in us...

Time always seems to fly when you're enjoying it, though in this case, time seems to flow backwards.
BB Boo scared shitless by the dinosaur.

Timmy boi morphing back into a caveman.......

After a short trip back to the house for a quick shower and a change of clothes, the Bs made their way to the dinner destination.
It was a place where Timmy boi saw over the internet, and thought:
Mama Mia! This is it!

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you....
Cassis @ Rochester Park.

The ambience was good, the food was within my expectation, but the payment part.... let's just say, they need to change a new system....

The lovely missus....

The silly me.

Happy Boosday my love!

With compliments from the staff after hearing that it was the missus' boos-day...

Last but not least, the birthday cake!
It's a simple cake, simply because of some major c*ck up on my part. (I'm so very sorry bb...)

In any case, I hope that although this might not be the sweetest or the most memorable,
it's the most loving one that you had.
This and many more to come.....

Happy Birthday Baby Boo.