"Priceless". Priceless...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just finished watching "Priceless" a few hours ago.
Good show, Audrey Tautou(hope I got the spelling correct, too lazy to check) is HOT. Period.
Met up with Jamesy Boi and Kev to talk about the Viet trip which is going to be postponed.
Date still uncertain cos of some last min cock up(so sorry about everythin again Mr Horny...)

What a whirlwind of days it has been.

Clearing admin stuff for work, home and meeting up with the guys, mj sessions, FA Cup final, Butter Factory, soccer match that degenerated to a bloodbath(almost, story to be told to those who are interested...), dinner with parents, etc etc...

Tying up the last of the loose ends tomorrow.
I would say I'm around 80% done.

Oh, did I mention that I'm going overseas soon?
Like, this thurs morning or something.
I'll be off, for a month, 3 weeks. Take your pick.

Still coming to terms with the fact that my mum decided to be generous and all.
So trying very very f**king hard not to tread on her toes.
Not even her shadow.

Countdown: 2 more days.

But whatever time I have left here, whatever time I've spent with everyone and anyone.
Just sorry that's not enough time to really meet everyone EVERYONE important to me one way or another. To say goodbye.

Shit, it's getting a bit mushy and a wee bit morbid.

In any case, take care now, bye bye then...

Timmy boy, out.
Till next month...

Oh.... thanks.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

How do you feel when someone more senior, more experienced, and has seen more people tell you straight in the face that:
"You're fucked. If I were a producer, I'll never ever call you. I'll rather hire someone newer and inexperienced than you. You're fucked. None of the bosses like you. You can't make it one."

These ominous words are still ringing in my head.
Suddenly, I'm not so sure anymore.
I try to dismiss these words as ramblings of a fat ole' & drunken fart.
But then again, what if he wasn't drunk, and oh yah, the part about drunken people speaking the truth, oh oh oh, and then there were the other comments too....
Everything is just happening and changing too fast and furious now...
I need some time to slow down.
And think.
Which I seem to be doing alot lately to no avail...

I'm quite fucked, ain't I?


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Too many things to say.
Too little time.
Its 4 hours and counting...

Will be right back after this short stint of something I like to call: Work

Anticipation.Expectation. Moderation(or the lack of it)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Graveyard Recipe:

1/2 package Triple Sec
1/2 package Bacardi 151 Proof Rum
1/2 package Vodka1
1/2 package Gin1
1/2 package Tequila1
1/2 package Bourbon Whiskey
1/2 package Scotch Whisky

Anticipated the day I could finally club with the RECCOS people,
expected a happening, wild, and heavy drinking night,
but with the lack of moderation and common sense,
got wasted.
Irony of life:
When you know cock-sure that you CANNOT whack Graveyard, yet still go order one and proceed to pour everything in your throat like it was the last drink on earth.
Head's still spinning.
Wondering if its the alcohol or the lack of sleep.
Maybe both.
I think I better go drink more water or tea...

PS: Many thanks for those who took care of me last night. And sorry for the trouble...

PPS: So when we going for another session? I kinda missed the part where you go to the dance floor and do something call dancing. I promise I will watch my drinking next time :)

I swear...

Saturday, May 05, 2007

I fucking swear.
I fucking swear that if ever, I see my younger brother, dying of thirst on the other side of the road, I will not even fucking walk over to fucking piss on him.

So much for blood is thicker than water.

It takes just a fucking bag for me to realise it.

PS: Hell fuck, maybe I'll cross over the road, piss into the drain in front of him, and tell him: "Song bo!"

Totally. Random shit that I've did...

Did some pretty weird things over these past 2 days.
Like last night, seeing that I finished work early. Quite the friggin' early, I decided to go catch a movie.
If possible, get some poor bugger out to watch.
If not, then watch it myself.
Mr Snake was in a half comatose state when I called him. Out.
Me Kev Wee was in the midst of preparations for his raid in WoW. Out.
That leaves... me.

Went all da way down to Lido, checked the timing, decided that it was a good time, waited in line, and received a phone call.
Apparently Kev's raid got cancelled, so yeah, he decided that he was game.
With an hour+ to spare, what's a guy like me to do?
Window shopping.
Topman, Levi's, Billabong, Zara.
So many things I saw, so many things I wanted to buy.
But if I did, then probably I'll have to sell my arse to get to Vietnam. Not to mention the fact that I didn't really trust meine's taste, concluded that it might be better to wait for Kev's opinion.
What happened?
His 'reaching soon' turned out to be the right time.
For the shops to close.

Went to Fong Seng for supper.
Never fails to make me wish I was back in school everytime I'm there.

Today was even more bizarre.
I was supposed to drive down to collect my ic and apply for my driving license(yesh, it's still not replaced) but due to:
1. I overslept
2. I no car
3. I got sms for sudden soccer session
I thought, maybe why not wait another day?

Soccer turned out to be in the late afternoon.
Then dinner.
Then mj.
Then supper.
Then talk cock session(wait lemme rephrase it. It was more like Berd's rendition of his South African trip of his army days...)
Then now home.

Better get some sleep to catch spidey in action tomorrow.

PS: Finally saw the poster and the trailer for the film that I was working in. So excited. Shall post some pics next time :)

End. Game.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

End. Game.Finished.

End of the road.
No more treble.

And the whining goes on.

I'm gutted.

Not because they bowed out of the finals.
I'm disgusted because they limped out of the match playing like shit, looking like shit and were reduced to looking like... no wait, they were a bunch of passion-less, headless chickens rooted to the ground after being outplayed and outclassed by a Milan outfit that almost brought tears to my eyes.
Look at the passion, look at the hunger in their eyes and tell me if you see the same in the Red Devils.
Sans a player or 2, the rest looked relaxed, languid and worst, lacklustre(or luck-lester as an officer of ours used to say...)
If I didn't know better, I would say that the M*fia kidnapped all their families and strapped bombs to them, or something like that.
I can't believe I actually lost sleep over such inept performance.

But enough.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, and the glories that await us.
And win or lose. They'll still be my one and only Manchester United.

Glory, glory Man United...
Glory, glory Man United....

PS: I am in no mood to entertain jibes for the moment. Please don't maketh me dulan by sending smses such as "Song Bo!" or something along this line. I try not to make fun at other fans and their clubs' fortunes so please accord me the same respect.

PPS: Only exceptions are people whom I know for very f**king long, people that I'm f**king close to. And babes/chio bu-s. Nuff' said.