Anticipation.Expectation. Moderation(or the lack of it)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Graveyard Recipe:

1/2 package Triple Sec
1/2 package Bacardi 151 Proof Rum
1/2 package Vodka1
1/2 package Gin1
1/2 package Tequila1
1/2 package Bourbon Whiskey
1/2 package Scotch Whisky

Anticipated the day I could finally club with the RECCOS people,
expected a happening, wild, and heavy drinking night,
but with the lack of moderation and common sense,
got wasted.
Irony of life:
When you know cock-sure that you CANNOT whack Graveyard, yet still go order one and proceed to pour everything in your throat like it was the last drink on earth.
Head's still spinning.
Wondering if its the alcohol or the lack of sleep.
Maybe both.
I think I better go drink more water or tea...

PS: Many thanks for those who took care of me last night. And sorry for the trouble...

PPS: So when we going for another session? I kinda missed the part where you go to the dance floor and do something call dancing. I promise I will watch my drinking next time :)