Oh.... thanks.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

How do you feel when someone more senior, more experienced, and has seen more people tell you straight in the face that:
"You're fucked. If I were a producer, I'll never ever call you. I'll rather hire someone newer and inexperienced than you. You're fucked. None of the bosses like you. You can't make it one."

These ominous words are still ringing in my head.
Suddenly, I'm not so sure anymore.
I try to dismiss these words as ramblings of a fat ole' & drunken fart.
But then again, what if he wasn't drunk, and oh yah, the part about drunken people speaking the truth, oh oh oh, and then there were the other comments too....
Everything is just happening and changing too fast and furious now...
I need some time to slow down.
And think.
Which I seem to be doing alot lately to no avail...

I'm quite fucked, ain't I?


silvershoes said...

Huh, so jiatlat ah. Which Producer said that to u? So i next time siam that person. hhaha.. But poor thing la u.. what did u do to piss him/her off?