On the Xth day of Xmas.....

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My world seemed to stop snowing.
& it started to rain.

The storm seems to be over.
But the aftermath remains.

My heart broke a little,
when you told me about the imperfect 5.
It shattered when it seems like you wanted to search for your own happiness.

My birthday with you, having fish porridge and noodles, watching LOTR on tv, was my sweetest.
Because it was with you.
I'm sorry that yours with me wasn't as memorable or sweet.
But I did enjoy driving around parts of Singapore talking about everything and nothing at all.
Because it was with you.

I laugh and smile,
only to hide the stabs of pain when you say that you're looking for smiles in yourself.
I'm sorry I can't bring you the smiles.
I'm still trying to.
I thought I had.
I thought I could.
When I said I hope to bring happy-ness to you,
your silence cuts like a razor.

You laugh and smile.
But I see that faraway look, and I wonder if the cracks in your heart have mended.

If I sounded hostile, I apologise again.
I wasn't aware.
Thinking that I was calm and collected didn't mean that I was.
Now, it just sounded like a case of too little too late...

On the Xth day of Xmas, things aren't what they used to be.

And your blanket is still full of dust.
I'm finding it hard to sleep recently...

Hello Hokkaido!

Monday, December 15, 2008

If you didn't notice, Timmy boy was away the whole of last week.
Where to? You might ask.

Hokkaido + Tokyo.
With the family.
Watch this space for more updates....

Operation MHK Day 5: Till the next time....

The end of the road.
Conclusion to Operation MHK was coming to an end in this final day.
The only good thing for this day was: Late flight = Got time to do last minute shopping/walk walk/what-nots.

The tired Bs family with a last look at the hotel room.

Jamesy boy had gone off at this time, with a little mini drama which, to put it simply, was:
1. he overslept
2. he had to rush to the airport
3. he missed his original flight but is in desperate need to hop onto a plane to get him back to Singapore so that he will not miss the flight back to Aussie
4. he found a rogue agent selling plane tickets back to Singapore, only catch was: he no enough $$
5. Kevin wee had to rush down to save the brother in need
6. Kevin wee, after settling the debacle with Jamesy, decided to stay in the airport to wait for the rest of us.

So what were some of us doing?

Eating dim sum of course!!!
It would be blasphemy if we went to Hong Kong and back without eating any dim sums......

The final meal in Hong Kong.
At the airport no less.....

And that's all folks.
The end of Operation MHK.
It was a hell of a trip and believe me, we'll be back there again.
Till the next time........

Operation MHK Day 4: Of family and football...

Day 3 was a whirlwind of activities that left the cast somewhat drained, so Day 4 was going to be more free and more easy.
But there was one place we had to go.
The place we've heard so much about but never had the chance to visit.
It was.........

The so called "Holland V" of Hong Kong.

We set off late in the afternoon, sans Kevin Wee who went in search of his own amusement in the form of....... his Hong Kong friend.
His friend gal ah?
So the rest of the cast hopped into a cab, directed the cab driver to take us to the promised land of pubs and more pubs, and we ended up in.......

Soho Street if I'm not wrong.
And what do the Bs family do when they reach an unconquered land?
They take pictures....
But before the cast moved on any further, the Bs family had to complete another mission.
Dinner with Baby Boo's family.
If awkwardness can be personified, then it would take the form of Kevin Wee. Giving me one of those insanely annoying smirk.
Oh well, since it was a sooner or later thing, me just decided that it would be better now.
Coupled with the fact that it was a scaled down meeting from a whole clan thingy to a just aunties and dad thingy.
Lucky me.

Good thing about the dinner was: The food was superb.

Family pics!
It wasn't as bad as I thought.
At least I didn't choke on any food, sprouted out nonsense, burped/farted loudly, gor drunk........ the list goes on.
And they were nice.
Maybe cos they kept piling food for me. Or maybe cos they looked pleased with me.
We managed to link up with the rest of them for the Man U game while navigating through a labyrinth that looks like this:
My senses almost deceived me into thinking that we were back in Holland V in Singapore.
Even the place had a slopey geographical make-up.
The rest of the night passed by without much fanfare.
Man U didn't win, the club that we went to had a Bikini Night thingy but half the time we saw throngs of people rather than hordes of ladies clad only in Bikini(apparently they had some competition going on but given the language barrier+near-deaf music pumping out of the speakers = dunch understand a shit what was happening)
Point to note: The club that we were persuaded to part our currency with was reputed to be one of the better ones. But the music sucked. Big Time. The air-con was non-existent. To call the dance floor a standing suana might be a tad understatement. Table+Sofa seats came with price tags of approximately 1/10 of my hardening liver = $600 SGD. The male-female ratio was skewed towards the male population.
Nuff' said.

We bailed out of the club just after 2+ hours of vainly praying that things might happen.
The best conclusion to a rather negative clubbing experience.
Best part?
It's cheap.
Yum yum!!!
And so the cast, being satisfied for the night, proceeded back to base camp.
For tomorrow, tomorrow will be the last night of their trip in Hong Kong....

Operation MHK Day 3: Here you leave Today enter the world of Yesterday, Tomorrow and Fantasy...

Day 3 started off with the cast moving off in different directions.
The missus and I went in search of fantasy in Disneyland,
the rest of them went in search of marine life in Ocean Park.

The Bs family found their fantasy land........

But not before stopping over for some good ole' roadside food.
As they say, an army cannot march on an empty stomach.
We also cannot venture forth in our adventures without satisfying our gastronomic needs.

Taking the Mickey express at Sunny Bay.
With you bb, everyday is a sunny day for me :)

Us goofing around at the entrance to Disneyland.
Check out meine's pose.
Just like Mickey Mouse lah!!!

We were lucky enough to catch the fabled parade that attracts throngs of people like Singaporeans to a buffet table, or me to free alcohol.

And more pictures of the parade.
Guess who enjoyed more?
The spectator or the photographer? >.<
My lovely BB in her various poses......

Me cam-whoring....

It's a small world afterall.......
But judging from the size of the boat ride, this world ain't exactly small.
Ok, maybe just a tad smaller than a certain Ogre....

Just. Us. :)

My personal favourite.
Snapshots of us attempting different facial expressions.
Phonelines and message board are open for voting.
Who has the kick-arse facial expression?
Me or me?

We just can't stop taking pictures....
Of ourselves!!!!

To top up the madness, we had a KTV session with some guild friends of Mr and Mrs Horny.
We even managed to celebrate 2 birthdays at the same time!
*Point to note: Some of them can sing f**king well, some of them(ie: the guy in black holding the birthday cake with Horny) can sing the songs with lewd lyrics f**king well.

Were we tired?

So till the next time.......... the operation will continue....

Fly me to........

Friday, December 05, 2008

It's strange.
This time last year, I was flying off to Hong Kong/Macau without nay a care in the world,
just the possibilities and the fun I'll be having over there.

This year, things seem and feel a tad different.
For one, this year I actually had to work, before I can go for the break = no holiday mood for me(not yet anyway...)
But I guess the main reason is you.
I just care bear to leave you :(

Still, the plane's taking off in another 2 hours time(or thereabouts) and I'm determined to enjoy the best I can, just like I told you I would.
For your sake bb.

I'm so~~~~~~ missing you already :(

I know...

Thursday, December 04, 2008

I know that there's only you.
I hope that you know that I know.