New Year come and go...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

With barely a whisper, the Lunar New Year period is going to just past us by.
In just a matter of days, the house will lose its vibrant decorations, the malls a more peaceful place without the endless stream of New Year songs and the New Year-ish pleasantries will be kept in storage till the next year.

And we would have lamented the passing of yet another year.
Older, richer and somewhat wiser for all of us, I hope.

For yours truly, the good ole' year of 2009 was not an easy one.
There were days or moments so hard I had to struggle just to get a footing, and looking back, I wonder how I managed to get past those times?
Guess a bottle of Chivas is enough to take the edge of these thorny times...

Been rather inactive in the blogging scene for quite some time.
Maybe I should improve on this aspect as well.
Maybe I should put it down in my resolutions list.

Or maybe I should just go grab some sleep...
Till the next time

-- Timmy out