Confessions of...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

A great movie outing. 
What's a good movie?

A free movie. 

Yups, and kudos to Nings, we got free tickets to catch Confessions of Pain, and I must say.
Good show...
But shan't say so much cos I'll be accused of spoiling the show, 
which I have been guilty of many a times. (if ya're reading this...remember X-Men, Jase?) 

Anyway, here's some pics that I should post up before a gang of people appears in front of my house to demand them....

Cubsy and Jono with cute li'l Santa hats

Blurry pic of people looking at the menu.

Junyan(man of the night) and Nings starting the insane moments of playing with sparklers(hoped I got the spelling right)

Group picture in the cafe.

Either Jono was walking away, or he's... walking away.

Nings, Danlin and Jono

Nings and Me.

Still nings and Junyan fiddling with the sparklers...

Danlin in a cute pose.

Our 2nd group pic. Pity the uncle who wanted to take a good shot of the scenery when all we wanted was US in the picture...

I call this. Winter Sonata. :)

The rest of the pics.... I will attempt to condense them and sent them to ye all.
In the meantime, I hope all these pics will suffice. For now at least :p

PS: Those interested parties will be relieved to know that meine "Winter Sonata" pic was not taken anyway lomantic. Venue was Shaw Prince, just opposite Beach Road. And the damn things were Xmas decorations beside Subway, though Danlin commented that they looked vaguely like something from Chronicles of Narnia....

PPS: For those who are really interested, the scarf was not mine. It's Kev's. He brought and wore a scarf to meet us. Here in friggin' Stinkapore and its weather. Rock...

PPPS:I don't usually smile like that. USUALLY.