Time to... Say Goodbye....

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our love affair started years ago.
3 years 11 months to be exact.

Over these years we've been through so much.
You followed to me to the far ends of Stink-apore.
You listened to me while I talked endlessly about my problems on the way home, or when I am murdering some songs.
You saw me cry, you heard me laugh.
You were there in those important moments of my life.

And through it all, you never complained. (but then again, how could you...)
But I guess the feelings just developed naturally.
Maybe it's your curves, maybe its your looks.
Maybe it's the vibes I get running my fingers through your body......
I'm still trying to find out...

But alas.
It seems that all good things must come to an end.
Time is running out.

My darling's leaving me.

It's not my choice, but I have no choice.
For the simple reason that... she's a surplus to the family...
It's evil of me, its selfish of me. It's not really me I suppose...

I'm sorry darling, it's finally time.
Time to say goodbye.

My darling...
You've been what I thought you were going to be, and much more....

Goodbye my darling.
It was good while it lasted.
And, it fate so decide, we may.
We just may... meet again.
Take care now, bye bye then....


silvershoes said...

??!! HUH your car is gone ?? Sad. I feel your pain.