A tale of 2 halves........

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

No, I'm not going to talk about the less-than-fantastic-a-little-better-than-horrid match we had on Sunday.
Like Anil commented: "They have the 'Tale of 2 cities'. We have the 'Tale of 2 halves'!"

I'm going to tell a story, a story that started many many years ago....

It was said that when God(whichever one you believe in) created Man, the initial blueprint and the final product was an organism with 2 heads, 4 hands and 4 legs.
Not the Man that we are familiar with?
Of course not.
For God had a plan.
He wanted his creation to be the smartest animal on Earth, the strongest species, the fastest of them all = 2 heads, 4 hands and 4 legs.
The original Man was blessed with another advantage.
It could reproduce by himself, or herself, or itself*!
(*take your pick)
And so Man bred and grew, and grew and bred.
Before long, there was a sizable population of Man, and their combined heads were (self)induced with the idea that hey! Since we're so smart and strong and speedy, if we can get to Heaven and dethrone whoever is up there, we can rule both Heaven and Earth!!!
So the whole Mankind toil and labor, constructing a tower faster than the renovation of Kallang Stadium(which by the way, is it still going to be face-lifted?)
God saw everything, and incensed would be an understatement of the fury that was boiling inside him.
Bidding his time, he waited for Mankind to finish the offending contraption, waited for Mankind to swarm into the tower, waited for Mankind to reach Heaven in hordes.
God waited.
He waited till each and every Man there was to reach Heaven, before letting an Almighty storm of lightning bolts at the invading Mankind.
The bolts spilt each and every single Man apart, but God's anger was still unappeased!
He huffed and he puffed and with a deep breath of wind, he blew the split Man back down to Earth, scattering them all over the world in the process.
Man was thus defeated by the fallacy of his own wistful thinking, and his punishment?
The stripping of his intelligence, his strength, his speed, and most of all, his heart.
For the Man, being ripped asunder, had lost half of himself in the process, with it, the other half of his heart being scattered in places unknown................................

And that is why.
That is why we, the descendants of the split Man, are always searching for the other half.
The other half of the complete heart.
And most of the time, we might not find the exact match, just the right match at the right time.

I guess I'm the lucky one.
For I've found mine.
The missing half that will make us complete.
The missing half of the heart.
The one that is the exact match.

So please don't go too far.
For I will miss you.
For I will not be able to survive without you.

Cos you complete me.

You hold the other half of my heart Mrs Bubs.
And since I've found you, I'm never ever going to let you go................