Beam me up & take me home!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The flight back has been confirmed, the bags are somewhat..... in a barrage of mess.
But I'm coming back.
And darn!
It's going to feel good to be back.

Back to my bed,
my favourite kopi hangouts,
the snake's lair,
makan places...... the list goes on...

But the best part is coming home to find the one love in my life.
I'm well and truly sorry I couldn't make this V-day as memorable as it should be.
An eternal regret it will remain.
I'll attempt to make it up to you my love.
In the meantime, is it possible to just have me flying back into your arms and showering you with the long overdue hugs and kisses? :)

I smile whenever I think of plane ride back.
Can tomorrow come today?

Oh wait,technically it's here already...

PS: The last night in Aussie and I've managed to lose a sizable amount of $$ to the friggin' casino!??!?! Darn I must come back here to exact my revenge.

PPS: I think I fell in love with the wide open spaces in Aussie and the Bondi beach.