My bad.....

Saturday, March 07, 2009

It was not part of the plan.

The initial idea of me drinking was to booster up the courage needed for the performance, and maybe a celebration drink. Full stop.
Things were looking good at the beginning, with the drinks meeting their swift demise down the throat of Timmy boy.
2 large cans of beer and some red wine perked me up.
The butterflies in my stomach seemed to have migrated somewhere else.
I was ready for the show.

10 minutes after the performance, I was having my celebratory drink.
2 hours after the performance, I was finishing up the rest of the red wine.
2 hours +15 min (thereabouts) after the performance, I was presented with a free bottle of red wine.
2 hours+30 min (thereabouts) after the performance, I was returning the remnants of my costume and bidding farewells to some colleagues.
2 hours+33 min (roughly) after the performance, the plan was scuppered. At this point, all hell broke loose.

I was spotted by my superiors.
Without a glass.
The next thing I know, I had a full glass of red wine in one hand, and a handshake on the other.
When I said everything happened in a whirlwind, it was not due to the fact that I was drunk.
There was literally a whirlwind of activities.
I was drinking, shaking hands, talking, being turned around to clink glasses, drinking a freshly topped up glass of wine which I distinctively remembered being emptied by me, being told to make someone drunk.

At a specific point of time, my mind went into overdrive to push aside the alcohol-induced fog of haziness and attempted to think in a moment of clarity.
There were several thoughts in my mind then, namely:
1. I was tanked up with a lethal combination of beer and red wine in a matter of minutes, and this combination is not funny.
2. I'm supposed to meet some colleagues at the Coffee Bean@ Paragon.
3. I was going to pick up my bb.
4. There were at least 3 bottles still left on the table.

A quick analysis of the above mentioned thoughts led to a conclusion: Escape.

I fought my way out of the orgy of drinks by repeating the mantra of: I'm meeting my friends and missus outside, so I need to go. To whoever that tried to stop me.
Luckily for me, it worked.

But I guess the damage was done.
For I can still remember the drunken ramblings and erratic behaviour.
The blurry vision and the unsteady gait.
The spinning world and the drooping eyelids.

I got sloshed.
My bad.

PS: Sorry for those who had to bear the brunt of my rather drunken and disruptive behaviour last night. I apologize.

PPS: Sorry to my lovely Boo who had to drive me back home and take care of me. So sorry that you had to do all these and then go home..... Heartpain.... :(