Violin & Tea. Day 3... all the way

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I've realised its simply too much work to clear the backlog of blogs, and instead of wasting time blogging when I can better spend it on Dota and what nots, the choice seems simple.
Post whatever picture I can think about that sort of highlight special moments for the day.

Day 3:

Whoever says filming isn't dangerous ought to be shot. Can you imagine the diaster it would have been if Ed fell from the top of the truck/lorry/vehicle?
Amsal would've been crushed.

Day 4/5:

Gone fishing. Paul's(ed's bro. Real bro) cafe. Come here for a visit. And try the almond coffee, it rocks.

So I was playing Scrabble. But no choice, I had to keep Paul and gf entertained. The things I do for the shoot...

Day 6:

Busted tire because rental company refused to pay more for a new tire. And they expect us to drive back to the company in this condition?!?!?!?

"Eh Tim, what's toh pi xiang shi jia hu jiao li?"
"What the hell is that?" - searching furiously on the menu.
"Neh, that one lah, on the right, 2nd line from the left."
"Erm Ed... you're supposed to read the menu from left to right, not top to down." - doubled up laughing.

Day 7:

Filming in front of the Asian Civilisations Museum

I might be caught/sued/persecuted for this but heck. You don't get to take a topless shot with Sir Stamford Raffles everyday...

Day 8:

We're still there, trying to finish up...

Utopia. Was it really going to be the promised land for us too?

Dinner. Good dinner. Best dinner. (cos it was free...)

Day 9:

Just 3 guys and a camera to capture the passing of time.

Ed trying to act cute.

Some things are remain unchanged in spite of the light and shadows.

Day 10(was sick, so didn't take pictures)

Day 11

The things we do when we're bored.

The last shoot.

Amsal giving us the thumbs up sign. Just a sign of the feelings running around at the period when we heard the final 'CUT'.

And that's all folks.
Need to sleep and recharge for my MOS trip tomorrow night.
In the meantime, do give me a call if you miss me.
If not, take care now, bye bye then...