Something is not quite right...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Something is not quite right.
I'm told that I can go off at 3 something in the afternoon by my boss.
Frankly speaking, it somewhat freaked me out.
Is there something that I need to do later? Or did I miss something somewhere.
The best part is, he left the office. To me.
Something is seriously wrong.

I'm just waiting for the shit to happen.

Sorry for being such a cynic, but ever since I started on this job, early days are far and few(although when my producer was around I still can slack abit and come to office late...) and like what some of my friends said, I'm beginning to NOT LIKE my job nowadays.
I guess its true.
All this admin crap, the running around, the pandering to people thingy.
All these are starting to wear me out.
I can't even muster enough energy for shoots.
To me, they've become just another job(s).
I guess the 'magic' in all these have finally wore thin, or maybe my 'true love' is still shooting features and dramas.
TVCs, just a means of making more moolah.
Something that I realised I'm quite in need of.
How ashamed do you think I feel when I look at the bank account every week and see it hovering just above DEAD BROKE, while some of my other peers earn like gazillion of dollars as compared to me?
Even my arguments with my parents are wearing thin. I can't speak up to them with the same conviction when I first started out.
And best of all, I'm still living off them. In a way. (since I've not been contributing to any household income....)

Maybe its time to search for greener pastures.
To take this as an experience, where I got to see, hear and feel alot.
And got to know a few decent people along the way.
Worse come to worse, this industry can always be my Plan C/D.(Plan B already got liao)

So here's to an early day, an insipid verbatim and an utter lack of direction of what to do next.

PS: Me using the office Powerbook to blog. And I must say: I thinketh I've fallen in LOVE with thy Mac!!!!! So I'm going to set up a Please-Buy-Timmy-A-Mac fund. Doners will be rewarded with a fuzzy feeling in their mind and heart akin to the sensation of being cheated/lao-ganed, works like w*ed! Everytime!!!!

PPS: I might be tempted to steal this baby during my last day of work. Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!