"No matter how talented you are, 1 man cannot change the world."
-- L, "L: Change the World"
Maybe we're not that talented, maybe we'll never be.
But don't we change the world every day?
All the things that we do, all the things we say.
Your grand action of pulling someone out of the oncoming traffic might give him/her another stint on life in this world.
Your "I don't love you anymore" might send another world crashing down.
We all change the world everday, however big or small.
Change IS the only constant, isn't it?
Maybe I'm not that talented, maybe I'll never be.
But I want to change the world.
In my little ways, in any way I can.
For better or worse,
that's not for me to judge eh?
Change the world....
Friday, February 29, 2008From Timmy at 2/29/2008 02:04:00 am 0 comments
Find your way back home...
Monday, February 25, 2008"The road to a friend's house is never long."
-- Danish Proverb
For the longest time ever, it didn't seem that long.
Figuratively and literally.
Not anymore. The ones who were at the airport on Sunday morning.
From left: Elyne, Alvin(aka Rabbit), Philip, Kevin Wee And here's Jamesy boi in the middle.
Just us guys.
Bon voyage Jamesy boi.
's gonna be rather quiet without you around here.
"We've done almost every shit possible together.", you told me that on Friday night.
Looking back, I think I have to agree... From attempting to hump an inanimate cow on display to p**ing somewhere, everywhere.
This is rather the James I know. From attempting to film "Mickey Mouse's Last Episode" to supper at Fong Seng, ending up with us in Vietnam("cesspool of filth, a cacophony of noise, a cluster of smoke and dust" - I like to call it).
These were the nonsense things we did.
And more.
So much we can say.
So much we did.
But let's not make it sound like you're never coming back (which I'm assuming you are, aren't you?).
So all I can say is:
Take care now, bye bye then.
Afterall, there's really nothing much we didn't say before...I just had to put this picture because I didn't know what this expression mean.
From Timmy at 2/25/2008 10:37:00 pm 0 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008 Dinner anybody?
That was me. Last night.
The night before to be more exact.
Just the computer screen, the iPod, the water bottle and of course, the cup noodles. (the ciggys cannot be seen cos its somewhere behind me. I think..)
Did I had to stay so late?
Probably not if I didn't take so much time in the afternoon goofing around.
But then again, I just didn't feel comfortable if I don't finish my work.
Lucky I had this fella to accompany me.
I dub thee....erm.... Balls.
Fine I suck at coming up with names.
But to those who question the wisdom of having such a thing in the office, I say to you:
1. I need something to rest my legs on.
2. There's a street soccer court below the office building. I might, I just might, pop by there someday to play around.
3. I need something to distract me.
4. I need to train. And what better way to train then spend a few minutes everyday during lunch playing around the ball ala juggling, dribbling etc etc? Effort bor!!!Here's a totally random picture.
My li'l niece Chloe.
She's like so~~~~~~~~~ cute!!!
(Berd stay away from her!) A super random picture.
Seriously I'm amazed by his sleeping posture.
But if he's comfortable, why not.
It's a friday night, just got home from some dinner, some drinking and staring at an emergency medical screening in less than 10 hours time.
TGIF though.
And tomorrow, and tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
Isn't it?
From Timmy at 2/16/2008 03:02:00 am 0 comments
So long, till the next year. Or the next week..
Wednesday, February 13, 20082nd day back to work and I'm dreading every moment of it.
The shit starts to fly in,
a seemingly endless stream of talks/meetings/discussions.
An afternoon wasted with some CNY celebration thingy that I was:
1. not interested in
2. no time to be interested in.
How I wish it was friday all over again.
At least we'll have an afternoon of Wii to look forward to,
though I might need to re-live the misery of having the supply of bak gua in my house being wiped out.
An evening where most, if not all, of us RECCOS guys were having our reunion dinner.
Like I said, it feels no different going to the Snake's lair for CNY, since we're there almost every week.
But then again, it just feels good to see all of us there.
With an expanding First Wives' Club. That's good.
The gambling with the shouting and cheering and antics and what-nots.
I look around and see the same familiar faces I've known for years.
Happy Chinese New Year guys.
Cheers to this year, see ye all.
Same time, same place.
Next year.
Or the next week, which is more likely.
From Timmy at 2/13/2008 12:19:00 am 0 comments
Huppy huppy CNY, huat ah (I hope)!!!
Friday, February 08, 2008Happy Chinese New Year to one and all yah.
Just the first day of CNY and I'm feeling friggin' SHAGGED.
Endless house visits, irritatin KIDS with boundless energy, neverending snacking... the list goes on.
Well, at least some traditions remain unchanged.
And well worth the deprived hours of sleep.
The annual CNY movie, the must-have supper/ talk cock session,
and this year,
a surprised visit to the LAN shop for a spot of gaming.
Thanks bitches.
And happy CNY to you guys again.
Now I wonder how the heck I'm going to wake up tomorrow.
From Timmy at 2/08/2008 04:40:00 am 0 comments