Change the world....

Friday, February 29, 2008

"No matter how talented you are, 1 man cannot change the world."
-- L, "L: Change the World"

Maybe we're not that talented, maybe we'll never be.
But don't we change the world every day?
All the things that we do, all the things we say.
Your grand action of pulling someone out of the oncoming traffic might give him/her another stint on life in this world.
Your "I don't love you anymore" might send another world crashing down.
We all change the world everday, however big or small.
Change IS the only constant, isn't it?

Maybe I'm not that talented, maybe I'll never be.
But I want to change the world.
In my little ways, in any way I can.
For better or worse,
that's not for me to judge eh?