The other lane is...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Always faster.
Murphy's law was right afterall.
I've always thought that this might or might not be true.
Yesh, we have experienced this sometime somewhere somehow at least once in our lives:

1. You ish in a queue, say.... buying food from Macs
2. You stand in line, thinking about what to buy, thinking about whether to upsize the meal or not, thinking about what sauce to get for the nuggets.....
3. You start to meld back into reality, and realised that eh? The line beside me is moving faster!
4. You take a quick glance to scan for any newcomers, seeing none, we skip quickly to the next lane.
5. You ish feel pleased with your astute observations to spot the difference and your quick feet in getting you to this 'express' lane.
6. Less than 20 seconds after you switched lane, your original lane has expedited and you go WTF?!?!?!
7. Your new lane is now stuck.
8. You starts to consider jumping back to the original lane.
9. Taking another quick glance, you take a might hop of faith back to the original lane.
10. After giving yourself another pat on the back, you realised that the lane you just jumped from has people moving faster than an assembly line. Your original lane is now stuck.

Now raise your hands for those in this scenerio before.

This morning on the way to work, I was caught in a bit of jam.
I was presented with the same dilemma: Should I or Should I not. Switch lanes?
I pondered and I wondered. I think, I thought and I tried to confirm.
And the thought just struck me.
Why don't I see if I dunch move at all. Will the other bleddy lane remain faster than me?
The scientist in me was intrigued, brain started to kick start into ALERT mode, eyes roaming the road for the subject experiment.
I looked left I looked right.
Lo and Behold!!!
I found it.

I give you, the other (unknowing) subject of this current experiment termed as: "The Other Lane"
I give you: Nissan GT-R (3.5-liter DOHC 24-valve V6 engine, 480bhp @ 6400 rpm, 0-100 in 3.2 sec......)

Anyway, back to the experiment....
The logic is simple. I will stay in my lane, and see if by not changing lanes, will I be faster.
Curbing the burning desire to switch lanes, I patiently bade my time.
Experiment subject's(lets term it GTR) pulled away from me.
I was losing ground.
But I persevered.
I bit the bullet and endured.
Oh wait, my lane is moving too.
I'm catching up, I'm gaining ground on the GTR....
My lane was still moving, slowly but steadily I was eroding the lead the GTR possessed.
I was... I was...
I was suddenly ahead of the GTR!!!!

My premise was right.
By not changing lane, I am actually moving faster than the other lane = MYTH BUSTED!
I was driving on a high now, I suddenly saw visions.
Visions of me on a podium, debunking Murphy's Law of the other lane always being faster.
I could even win a Nobel Prize for this!!! (if there ever was such category)
I grinned to myself and even managed to mangle a song in the process of euphoria.

Until I stopped.
The GTR overtook me.
And this time, it didn't look back.

I was shocked.
This wasn't the ending that I was looking for, the scenerio wasn't supposed to be painted as such.............

As I exit-ed the expressway, the only thought plaguing me was:
The other lane IS always faster.
All hail Murphy.