Trilogy Part 3: Band of brothers

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Trilogy Part 3: Band of brothers

This is inspired by 2 other bruders.
Xw and Berd da Anaconda.
Oh, and also by 'Band of Brothers' too.

Met up with the 2 'brokebackers' - at least for these 2 days, for these guys have been seeing each other like 36 hours(and counting, but this is according to Berd) - for some chow and kopi.
Told them about the convo I had with Goose and Ed.
Guessed what?
They had more to add too.

New victims of old gossips.
Answers to elusive 'crushes' were discovered.
Incidents that happened were traded once more, some forgotten, some missed, others revived.

Our kick ass plan that we conjured: To get everyone(well, maybe not everyone but at least most of us, oh, plus the gals too... since Xw claims that the gals forget nothing...) in our kickass class of 205 to sit down and draw out a sitting arrangement plans. Of where we used to sit in class.

A cataclysm of memories came crashing in.

I remember.
I remember I remember.
I remember.
That I was sitting next to Mok the doc.
Berd da Anaconda and Jeff the Hyena was sitting in front of us.

Weising and f**k I forgot who!! was sitting behind me.
Xw and damn I forgot again was sitting behind behind me.
The other row had Daren, Bernard Lau, and god knows who.
Ed and Seng were at the other row.
Wong the caveman was sitting next to Guolin our resident insane keeper/'Godlike Thief'/Married personnel.
The gals were at the other end of the room.
Xikai and someone else was at the back of the room.
Yehao was somewhere near.
Tingnan and Haojie were seated quite near the gals.
Phil is lost in my memory, so is Goose and Jase.
Hertian seems to be next to XW, but I can't be sure.
Chaoliang was somewhere at the back of the room, in a single seat row.
Adrian Chay was in a single seat row too, or not?
KBK seems like he was at the back of my row.
Yaozhong aka Snake was also a single row-er.

3 things I would love to do now.

1. Find a way to post my sec school class pic.
2. Have a seating plan all drawn up.
3. Have everyone go back to the same bleddy classroom, seat in their respective seats and take a friggin' photo.

But first.
I think I need to go sleep...

For the light is streaming in...

PS: My Italy is through to the Finals!!! Never did gave them much chance to progress this far but oh well, things happen. And yesh, they went through at the expense of us losing $$. Nabei...