Leaving for HK this time.
Short trip, will be back just in time for Xmas eve.
Don't miss me.
Goodbye, goodbye.
The goodbyes remained unsaid.
Where I say what I do and don't do what I say.
Leaving for HK this time.
Short trip, will be back just in time for Xmas eve.
Don't miss me.
Goodbye, goodbye.
The goodbyes remained unsaid.
From Timmy at 12/19/2007 12:49:00 am 0 comments
Counted 3, no wait, vroom again, 4 cars speeding past me.
Driving back again, alone again.
Alone in the midst of all these traffic?
Gotten used to it?
I suppose.
Though I did mention in passing to Jamesy that sometimes it feels good to have to rush home when you know someone's waiting for you.
But that was a long, long time ago.
Kinda enjoyed these rides sometimes.
Plus I'm never 'alone' in the car.
Sometimes there's Jay, sometimes there's Gary.
When I need some cheering up, there's always Jolin or Stefanie.
Oh, The Frays, Melee and the Artic Monkeys dropped by too.
Timbaland and Timberlake, they always help to keep me stay awake.
See, I'm not as lonely as you think.
Plus there'll always be times, be some roads, that triggers off an avalanche of memories.
Roads somewhere along KJE, along the CTE, and along this narrow 2 way road with a parked Beetle by the side.
It'll be quite hard for me to fall asleep in any case.
Not even when I'm home.
Like now.
From Timmy at 12/13/2007 02:53:00 am 0 comments
The weather was so different then.
Last sunday was sunny, unlike yesterday, today and the day before.
So what was I doing last sunday?
This:I was at the 'Greatest Race on Earth'.
As a spectator though, I'm not that healthy/committed/insane.
So what was I doing there?
To give moral support to these shagged runners: Xw da Veggie Monster, who was so shagged he didn't care about sitting next to a rubbish bag.
Yz da Snake, with his so, so shagged face.
PS: Lady Boss you not included cos you didn't look shagged at all, plus this picture all Yz's fault. He blocked you. Berd da Anaconda, who was so shagged he kept looking at the grass and grinning to himself. For no reason.
Some highlights of the day:They who finished the race, but was bound here by honour to wait for the last man racing, Berd.
And yes Yz, the way you holding the balloon thingy quite the erm, suggestive. And there he is, finally.
How can you miss someone whose attire is like that?!?!
No worries, he did wore a pair of shorts, just that it was too short. That was roughly the time Berd took to finish the whole damn thing.
Around 8 hours on the clock.1 happy gal, 3 very shagged guys.
A better picture this time.
Damn, makes me wanna go run a marathon next year.
Should I?
From Timmy at 12/10/2007 04:06:00 pm 0 comments
Some things just become uncontrollable,
like fire.
I wasn't the firestarter,
but I provided the fuel.
So I'm not entirely blameless afterall.
But thanks bitch, for the warning on the extent of the damage,
my projections didn't extend to this level.
My bad.
Guess the next course of action pretty clear.
Stop. All actions.
Let the fire die out.
End game.
From Timmy at 12/03/2007 01:07:00 am 0 comments
No. 2071.
Silence means consent.
You're guilty.
Can't believe I have to go through so much fucking shit just for something so minor.
Murder? Tick No.
Robbery? Tick No.
Rape? Tick No.
Drugs smuggling? Tick No.
Illegal gambling? Tick No.
Theft? Tick No.
Failure to dispose an item smaller than a pencil? Yup. You got me there.
A butt. A friggin' cigarette butt.
For those who want to say, I told you so, yes, you did tell me so.
But is it such a major crime?
To warrant such drastic actions?
I say no.
What say you?
From Timmy at 11/30/2007 02:49:00 am 0 comments
It's getting harder to play soccer nowadays.
Not because there isn't a chance too,
but because my body isn't the way it used to be.
3 goals, 2 assists.
And for all of these?
A friggin' sore back, a bad knee, and an ankle that clicks sporadically.
I almost laughed at myself last night(if not for the pain),
when I was slapping Salonpas plaster to my back.
Oh how times have changed.
8, 9 years ago, we could've played soccer for hours, and the only complaint we have would probably be the sunset being too early.
We were full of boundless energy, we were hyper, we were invincible, I felt invincible.
Now, a 3 hour game can kill us, or if the weather conditions were fine, probably just drain every last drop of energy in us.
I look at some of us, bad knees, busted ankles, problematic backs.
The knee guards, the ankle guards, the this and the that.
And wonder, how long can we keep this up?
How long before the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak?
I just pray that it will not be anytime soon.
From Timmy at 11/22/2007 05:10:00 pm 0 comments
Same shit, different day.
Guess I'm still back to doing what I do best(currently) for $$.
The production line.
I need a job.
From Timmy at 11/15/2007 02:17:00 am 0 comments
Managed to catch Lars and the Real Girl last night with Jamesy boy.
I must confessed, I was squirming in my seat.
Disturbing(to me at least), but a brillant show.
There's so much to think about,
yet I moan the inability of myself to put them into words.
Maybe next time.
Catch the show if you can.
It's worth it.
From Timmy at 11/08/2007 11:24:00 pm 0 comments
Once again, I took my time to post this one up.
But what the heck, better late than never eh?
Anyway, I present to you: Halloween @ Zouk!!!
Introducing the brave few who were there: From left: Sw(the pope), Pegs(the half man/woman), Jase(Uncle Sam), Huiwen(China doll), Me(Mermaid), Xw(Madonna wannabe).
PS: Berd missing from this picture cos he didn't wanna go in at first = never change into costume.
And now, the horrors begin... Mermaid and Jack Sparrow.
Both creatures of the sea.
Pegs cannot make up her mind to shoot or kiss me.
Jase grinning at the back(dun think we never see you ah!!!)
Pwetty Huiwen and moi(sorry my ciggys peeking out of the bra thingy)
Jase, me, Sw and Xw.
Yes, Xw that bugger even got boots to go along.Sw the Pope surrounded by a botak bitch(me) and a shameless slut(xw).
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest among them all?
We might got shot for taking this shot.
From Timmy at 11/02/2007 04:58:00 pm 0 comments
It's a sucky feeling.
To be wrecked by a sudden, acute pain that renders one immobile,
while clearly aware of the fact that one's face is in the mud.
That's why I hate playing soccer on a muddy field.
From Timmy at 10/22/2007 12:57:00 am 0 comments
Dragonfly. Drink. Lots. Had the most tak-glam task of carrying someone back home. And the someone is not a gal. Damn.
Went to MOS, then Zouk. Still cannot understand nor dance to the music at Zouk on weekends. Camped at Phuture till the lights came on. Supper-ed till the wee hours of the morning.
Played soccer with the worst bunch of dicks I've ever met. Xw da veggie monster got scythed down by a fat piece of lard = red card = dickheads got pissed = almost 'mass orgy' = match cancelled. Confessed that I lost my cool and almost sank to their level. 'Good career'. Surprise of the day: Yz ala Snake was one of the peacemaker = Pigs were flying. Dinner then mahjong(again!)
Just woke up, checked my mail and decided to blog this.
From Timmy at 10/15/2007 01:57:00 pm 0 comments
On some days, I really do welcome life's little surprises.
But not too much of them please,
I might not be able to take it...
From Timmy at 10/12/2007 11:31:00 pm 0 comments
-- 周杰伦
My current favourite song...
From Timmy at 10/11/2007 05:44:00 pm 0 comments
The decision has been made.
The deed is finally done.
And the plan is starting to move along, thanks to Kev who helped 'grease' the wheel.
Now we'll just have to wait.
To see where I'll be heading to...
PS: But in the meantime, I'm still kinda broke and jobless. Sigh~~~~
From Timmy at 10/09/2007 12:00:00 am 0 comments
One opens up a possibility of moving up.
The catch: Money no enough.
The other opens up to reveal a stash of gold for the taking. Not too much but definitely not little.
The catch: It's not really my cup of tea.
Thought hard about, still thinking hard about it.
And waiting for another door to appear...
From Timmy at 10/03/2007 05:19:00 am 0 comments
For those whom I have not seen, not able to see, no chance to see....
here's what happening.
I had a haircut.
From Timmy at 10/02/2007 12:47:00 pm 0 comments
That must be the word I heard the most last night.
Head is spinning. And throbbing.
My body is protesting, against the idiocy of going clubbing after a gruelling soccer session.
Not to mention the lack of moderation in pumping alcohol into the body, one shot after another.
And I woke up to discover, there's a different tune playing in my life now.
I think I might need another shot...
From Timmy at 9/27/2007 04:58:00 pm 0 comments
A post from my good pal, Jamesy boy. He's the same bugger that introduced me to the video for "Signal Fire"
Watching this for the past few days now, kinda puts not only me, but i guess each one of us at one point, into perspective, depicting volumes of our own faculties.
it was quite beautiful and surreal what kids can teach us with their innocence and purity of their hearts. i watched delicately, as if each scene bit off a chunk of me.
the opening scene brings us where we meet a girl. you know what you have to do. you like her, but things, for some reason or another, dont smoothen out.
"the perfect words never crossed my mind"
sometimes u played the bad part, the part that nobody wishes to, like a big black ugly spider(beautiful, to me actually) that just about scares the girl of your dreams. ironic that when it mattered, it always seem like this.
you get pushed around, kicked about and have your harness snatched. someone else swoops in and takes the part of the hero and all you could do, is helplessly remain backstage and let the envy engulf.
someone else could already have taken the brave stand, or, we could say by sheer allocated part, saved your girl in distress, leaving you feeling like the last person on earth.
before you know it, you will be part of the audience, just looking on and having no more part in the whole play.
"All I wanted, just sped right past me"
what do you do then?
step up and go grab your chance. crap, an 8 year-old bespectacled nerd has to teach us this.
kiss her before that it could all end for you, before the very part you fear, and make it your own, so she gives the most important portion to you.
consequences? nevermind actually, as hindsight should have let you witnessed clearly the previous encounters. they may seem daunting and uncertain, but they cant beat the feeling you will have if you did not.
you can change the script. or at the very least, the ending.
for the hope of living happily ever after of course.
"There you are, standing right in front of me"
"No, I don't wanna wait forever"
Me?From Timmy at 9/17/2007 06:05:00 pm 0 comments
Love this video. (Thanks Jamesy boy for recommending this to me.)
So much I can say, but till next time I suppose....
From Timmy at 9/17/2007 02:05:00 pm 0 comments
Say hi~~~~~~~~~~
The long awaited post is finally up!!!
From Timmy at 9/14/2007 02:42:00 am 0 comments
Days are supposed to be spent something like this:
Played game till 6 in the morning.
Sleep till 11 in the late morning.
Crawl out of the house around 2 in the afternoon.
Smoke and drink Green Shit in a playground at 3 in the afternoon.
Attempt to shove pasta in mouth around 4 in the afternoon.
Stroll to a quiet place for Earl Grey around 5 in the afternoon.
Throw wet toilet paper at friend who's sh*tting around 8 in the evening.
Played a game of soccer till 10 in the night.
Forced fish and chips into stomach around 11 in the night.
Have a good relaxing sing-along session while driving back around midnight.
Start blogging at 1 in the morning.
But then again.
I need to wake up to reality and realise that such days are getting far.
And few.
How many days can I afford to spend like this?
I dread to think.
Carpe Diem then.
From Timmy at 9/13/2007 12:54:00 am 0 comments
Somehow there's a greyish hue in my life now.
Did someone switch something on or off?
From Timmy at 9/11/2007 06:40:00 pm 0 comments
I really HATE losing.
Especially at times when I do stupid things that lead to stupid mistakes that lead to a stupid loss.
From Timmy at 9/10/2007 12:25:00 am 0 comments
Met up with this bunch of people last night.
Not everyone, but most of them.
9 months.
That was how long we last met, although there're some whom I see sometimes.
Some things never change.
Like how we'll all blabber at the same time without caring if anyone is actually listening,
like how the "old folk" Alan would force us to go where he wants to, and refusing to let us leave early,
like how we all talk about the shit that happens this job, last job, every job.
Some things have changed though.
Like how some of us have changed our positions in the industry,
like how some of us are thinking of getting out of the industry,
like how some of us are already out of the industry.
But it was a good meet up nevertheless.
Let's hope we won't have to wait 9 months for the next one...
From Timmy at 9/07/2007 01:20:00 pm 0 comments
Sorching sun this afternoon.
Just met up with Snake and Kev for lunch a few hours ago.
No matter how many times I see Kev in his office wear, I have to chuckle.
Snake in office wear?
I burst out laughing.
The thought did cross my mind.
What if I joined them?
Wouldn't it be like the uni days, the terrible trio meeting up for lunch, the dreadful duo sneaking out every once in a while to savour a smoke or two....
Thinking of places to go after work, taking the public transport with Mr Snake, just like we did in JC days.
The things that we can do.
The possibilities...
But what then, of the dream?
The passion?
If I ever join them,
I'll be there for the money.
Full stop.
Took a short break on the way back to the van.
Sat down, smoking, sipping coffee, and staring at the Singapore river.
I think I still very much to be free.
Free from these red tapes, from these regimental hours, from a desk, a PC and tons of paperwork.
Free to do silly things like sitting in the middle of nowhere watching the world goes by.
The coffee tasted good(free coffee is the best coffee yah? Thanks Kev)
The cigarette burnt, dying, dead.
My time was up,
I got up to leave.
And the boats float along...
From Timmy at 9/05/2007 03:52:00 pm 0 comments
My so called contract is over.
But guess what?
There was a call this afternoon that told me I'm still working for them, albeit a free-lancer, and that I'll be paid a daily rate.
Sounds good?
Not too bad.
But the rate is kinda less than expected.
We'll see how all these work out in the end eh?
From Timmy at 9/03/2007 03:12:00 am 0 comments
Seems like I have a growing penchant to skip my meals now.
Current intake for 2 days?
4x half boiled eggs
1x Nissin Seafood Curry cup noodles
1x Cold Storage Black Pepper chicken steak
What is happening?
From Timmy at 9/01/2007 07:32:00 pm 0 comments
It's evening.
"You are far
When I could have been your star"
Still in the office,
swivelling on the chair.
Will always make a lover feel a fool"
It's dark outside,
seems like I was here just a moment ago.
It's dark already.
"Fooled me with the tears in your eyes
Covered me with kisses and lies
So far
But please don't take my heart"
There're places to go, things to do.
But I can't help thinking.
Thinking about work, about the lack of work.
Love, and the lack of love.
"Strange that I was wrong enough
To think you'd love me too"
Strange that I'm willing to stay here even though there's no more reason to.
Maybe this is my sanctuary.
When it's quiet.
When there's only me, the aircon, the iPod, the Powerbook, the speakers and the table.
Oh, and the balcony with the cigarettes.
"You must have been kissing a fool"
And the song plays on, and on...
From Timmy at 8/31/2007 07:41:00 pm 0 comments
Finally got down to changing the look of the blog.
Been too busy and whiny recently, but fear not.
This is all about to end.
One more day!
Realised I never did had time recently to sit back and appreicate the finer things in life.
Until this morning.
Took a glass of coffee, draw out a stick of ciggy, and proceeded to balance my butt on the railing outside Maxwell Food Centre.
Just smoking, drinking coffee, and watching the world goes by.
No phone calls, no rush to get back to the office,
If only such times would last....
From Timmy at 8/30/2007 01:07:00 pm 0 comments
Big rain today.
Funny how after the dust has settled,
and the shit has been cleared,
the rain comes to clean up the mess.
Maybe if I look at it from another perspective, it signifies the end of this li'l chapter in my life,
and everything that's been said and done,
just washed away.
But if I look at it the way that I like to,
it just means that I shoud be curling up in my bed waiting for the raindrops to lull me into sleep.
From Timmy at 8/28/2007 05:01:00 pm 0 comments
Its finally over.
Well, not exactly, since I've got some accounting to do, but at least the shoot' over.
Everything was pretty decent, no major cock ups, earlier than expected wraps, and most importantly, I didn't die of exhaustion/heart attacak/suicide/over smoking etc etc.
Feeling just a tad lost, and a little proud of how all these turned out.
Guess everything will fall into place, sooner or later.
To all those people I have'nt seen in some time, this shit is over, I'm FREE!
So we'll see what we can do eh?
In the meantime, take care now, bye bye then.
- Timmy out
PS: But I'm broke, need to get my pay before me bosses fly abroad...... sigh :(
PPS: I'm in the office right now using my big boss' computer to churn this out. Planning to take a li'l nap before meeting the guys for soccer. I rock.
From Timmy at 8/26/2007 09:28:00 am 0 comments
Shoot starts in about... 12 hours time.
Am I ready?
Nope I don't think so.
There's still so much to do, so much I'm still doing.
But I'm learning.
Learning along the way.
And if I manage to pull this off by some miracle/divine intervention,
I might.
I just might.
Consider staying in this line for a while.
So here's to tomorrow,
and the day after.......
Wish me luck kids!
From Timmy at 8/23/2007 06:57:00 pm 0 comments
Been too busy to blog recently.
There is just not enough time.
Having sleepless night. Everynight.
Now for those who know me(especially Kev and Jamesy), you guys should know that I fall asleep faster than I take off my pants.
Not anymore. Not for these 2 weeks at least...
Will attempt to finish all these shit, get my life back into track, and possibly blog about it when I'm done.
PS: On a more positive note, I might be getting higher pay!!!!! So it'll be worth it afterall
From Timmy at 8/21/2007 05:09:00 pm 0 comments
Late night working is nothing new to me.
But late night working in da OFFICE?
Something that I am still trying to get used to.
Anyway I'm still in the office hammering out infos for the production book,
calling up people whom I've never seen before to 'book' them,
sending emails to people whom I've never met and will probably never meet,
drinkg Asahi,
and smoking Marlboro Reds.
My only regret is that I can't get any green shit. (for the uninitiated, its Vitasoy with Melon. Try it. Its good shit...)
I'm beginning to get used to the solitude of the office, the humming of the air con, the warm glow of the lights, and maybe.
Just maybe.
The satisfaction of getting a job well done.
Now back to work...
From Timmy at 8/17/2007 09:48:00 pm 0 comments
Something is not quite right.
I'm told that I can go off at 3 something in the afternoon by my boss.
Frankly speaking, it somewhat freaked me out.
Is there something that I need to do later? Or did I miss something somewhere.
The best part is, he left the office. To me.
Something is seriously wrong.
I'm just waiting for the shit to happen.
Sorry for being such a cynic, but ever since I started on this job, early days are far and few(although when my producer was around I still can slack abit and come to office late...) and like what some of my friends said, I'm beginning to NOT LIKE my job nowadays.
I guess its true.
All this admin crap, the running around, the pandering to people thingy.
All these are starting to wear me out.
I can't even muster enough energy for shoots.
To me, they've become just another job(s).
I guess the 'magic' in all these have finally wore thin, or maybe my 'true love' is still shooting features and dramas.
TVCs, just a means of making more moolah.
Something that I realised I'm quite in need of.
How ashamed do you think I feel when I look at the bank account every week and see it hovering just above DEAD BROKE, while some of my other peers earn like gazillion of dollars as compared to me?
Even my arguments with my parents are wearing thin. I can't speak up to them with the same conviction when I first started out.
And best of all, I'm still living off them. In a way. (since I've not been contributing to any household income....)
Maybe its time to search for greener pastures.
To take this as an experience, where I got to see, hear and feel alot.
And got to know a few decent people along the way.
Worse come to worse, this industry can always be my Plan C/D.(Plan B already got liao)
So here's to an early day, an insipid verbatim and an utter lack of direction of what to do next.
PS: Me using the office Powerbook to blog. And I must say: I thinketh I've fallen in LOVE with thy Mac!!!!! So I'm going to set up a Please-Buy-Timmy-A-Mac fund. Doners will be rewarded with a fuzzy feeling in their mind and heart akin to the sensation of being cheated/lao-ganed, works like w*ed! Everytime!!!!
PPS: I might be tempted to steal this baby during my last day of work. Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!
From Timmy at 8/15/2007 04:26:00 pm 0 comments
"Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?"
-- Edgar Bergen (1903 - 1978), (Charlie McCarthy)
From Timmy at 8/13/2007 02:22:00 am 0 comments
Pub crawling, disco hopping. Whatever you call it.
Home Club, Butter Factory.
Had a few drinks knocked into me.
But I couldn't find it in myself, nor anywhere, to mix around, to socialise, to talk.
The music roared on, the lights spinning, the crowd dancing.
I was just immobile. In a corner, wondering why the f**k I was actually mad enough to appear.
The dim lights remind me of your bright smile,
the next song an indication that time has passed while I was missing you.
Texting was just a pathetic attempt at trying to talk to you.
I guess I failed...
I left early, to seek solace in a place, a place full of friends, sofas, and a tv showing 22 men chasing after a ball...
From Timmy at 8/12/2007 04:03:00 am 0 comments
"Are you mad?!?!? Its the highway!!! How to meet??!?!? Unless you stop at the road shoulder lah!!!" -- Timmy
"Let's just try it." -- Jamesy
And try we did.
The stage was set. TPE.
The timing was to be confirmed. Minutes before point X.
The mode of communication. SonyE mobiles.
Off we went.
The exit signs went past in a blur.
The road was straight at times, winding at others.
We sped down the first part, peering intensely at the passing signs, till we saw the crucial one.
Kev hurried his sms-ing, punched in the numbers and spoke: "We're at Jalan Kayu exit liao."
I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation, the detailed reporting was obvious though.
Kept to a speed of 80, and at times, a dash of speed putting me at 90.
The timing was to be perfect.
"It's only one exit from mine to the Tampines one", Jamesy warned.
My heart started racing, the hands were steady, the foot, firm on the pedal.
"I'm reaching the exit", Jamesy reported.
"Tell him we're reaching...", Timmy managed to shout out an update.
The chances seemed higher now, with both sides nearing the designated rendezvous point.
"Do you guys see a bus?!?!" Jamesy probed.
"Yah we see a bus ahead of us" Kev reported.
"I think I see his van" Timmy exclaimed with a measure of optimism.
"Is the bus in front of you no. 3?" Jamesy pumped.
"Wait we can't see, too far in front of us liao..." Kev recounted.
"It's his van!!!!!!!!!!!" Timmy trumpeted.
The van slid into the empty space behind bus no.3, and the Tim-mobile.
We made it.
From Timmy at 8/07/2007 02:52:00 am 0 comments
Next post is up again.
Damn I'm starting to miss Paris...
From Timmy at 8/06/2007 08:30:00 pm 1 comments
They're up. Paris, Paris and more Paris...
From Timmy at 8/04/2007 12:08:00 pm 0 comments
Running errands in the morning - afternoon.
Back to office to do shite work in the afternoon - evening
Still stuck in office doin shite nuffin' in the evening, hopefully there's no need to stay on till the late night.
Cos tomorrow.
I think its gonna be another day like this.
Can't believe I'm starting to get sick of my work already.
Oh is what I'm doing called WORK?
From Timmy at 7/30/2007 07:40:00 pm 0 comments
From Timmy at 7/30/2007 12:47:00 am 0 comments
Another edition is up.
Fast fast sia.....
From Timmy at 7/27/2007 10:28:00 pm 0 comments
It's up.
After a short break that is.
Stay tuned for the next update...
From Timmy at 7/27/2007 07:51:00 pm 0 comments
This is one of the few times that I've been overseas and come back feeling damn happy to be back.
From Timmy at 7/24/2007 11:59:00 pm 0 comments