10 Things I've learnt after watching "Walk the line"

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

10 Things I've learnt after watching "Walk the line"

Damn... I just realised that my current blogskin does not allow me to post my blog with the friggin' title.
So all along lim bei happily post my title hoping someone might compliment me on the use of a great title to complement a even better post.
But no.
There is no blog title.


Anyway, was thinking of catching Geisha with SQ(identity protected cos later the abovementioned personnel get bad rep from associating with me, not too good lah, but might change it if the person dun mind.. kekeke) but due to timing incompatiblity, we decided to switch to Gay.. I mean Brokeback Mountain but alamak, timing also wrong.
So settled on Walk the Line.
Which was quite a good show, in my humble opinion, thus driving me to once again, share the lessons I've learnt and of cos, spoil some parts for those who are interested.
In Berd da Anaconda's words:

SONG BO~~~~~

Here goes:

1. If you see a wood sawing machine looking like its gonna break down anytime soon, and the damn thing actually can IA(army term for f**ked up, guys should know...) once. DO NOT. And I repeat. DO NOT. Go fishing, even if your brother tells you to do so. You will be needed to make sure nothing happen(ie: damn thingy cocks up and cut your bro). Simple as that. Plus you won't get any fish.

2. If your dad keeps asking why your bro die-d and not you. He probably like him better.

3. When you are in da Air Force, you are bound to have free time. Saw there in my stint in da grand ole' RSAF(Rarely Seen After Five) and this film only serve to validate the point. Where can one find free time to compose and practise and sing song one... Air Force lah!

4. Have a standard answer for a question that you will be asked a couple of times in your life. For example: If people keep asking you "Are you always this ugly?" Be sure to have a standard, SOP answer, best taking the example of Johnny Cash and reply in a super, nonchalent, bo chup manner, "Probably". That is cool.

5. If you have fan mails and most of them are females, than your other half have a right to be worried. You should be too. Especially if most of them are underaged gals.

6. Police have 6th sense when it comes to sniffing out drugs, so don't try cock-obvious place like stashing them in your guitar or something. Come up with something original, like shoving it up where the sun doesn't shine.... wait. Don't think that's TOO original too, but you get the picture.

7. Speaking of drugs, don't be so NOOB to keep them in places where people can find them easily, like your closet or *faint, on the TABLE! Build a Drug-Cave or something, like a Bat-Cave, when you have to activate the damn entrance by playing Pachabel' Canon in D on the piano or something lydat. Come on guys, you hid your po*n stash better than this. But on the other hand, I tink if the craving kicks in, you can't even see or walk straight, much less play the bleddy piano.

8. If a tractor is stuck in the mud or something, and the friggin' thing is landed right smack in the middle of a slope, balanced nicely(can't get it out nor can it slide down), don't tempt fate by revving the engine damn hard and shouting at the top of your lungs "Move you sonofabitch!!!". It will move. DOWN the friggin' slope. With you in the damn tractor.

9. There are alot of ways to propose to a gal. Waking her up in the middle of the night in a shaking bus with 8 other smelly guys at the front isn't one of them.

10. Talking about proposals. It doesn't matter how many times a guy can propose. What matters is the PLACE. Propose to her in the back of a bus gives her a reason to be f**king pissed and say NO. But propose to her when both of you are singing on stage in front of like what, 10367 people MIGHT make her paiseh and say yesh. So choose the location properly. And don't say things like: "Oei, wanna apply for HDB flat or not"(too passe) or "Thou art the light in thine wretched existence"(too poser). Go for something simply like "I want you to marry me.", or something like that. Direct and straight to the point. The gal only need to digest for a while to answer yes or no.

And that's all folks.
Hope ye all learn something new too.

PS: Fwah~~~ Joaquin Phoenix and Resse Witherspoon can sing sia. Seriously. They really CAN sing. Not some warbling, blabbling kinda bullshit. They can sing. Especially Jaoquin Phoenix. Which makes me wanna download... I mean buy the OST for the film.

PPS: I think J.Phoenix is a DAMN GOOD ACTOR. Period.

PPPS: Had a good after movie kopi with Berd and friends. For more info can read it here.