
Thursday, February 02, 2006

I'm supposed to do this a long~~~ long time ago but due to the whole chink-gang of events such as the moving of my blog, CNY, school starting etc etc...

Anyway, I've been Tagged by Junie and if I don't do anything soon, I might probably be in for 1x big one.

Here goes:

Rule 1: List 5 weird or random things about myself.

1. I hate strawberries. No idea why but I just cannot take the taste of this thingy that tries to pass itself off as a fruit. No strawberry flavoured thingys also. I cannot tahan.

2. I hate the sound of bells. Small bells still ok. Big arse Shaolin-ish bells. Nope. I will turn green in the face. Serious.

3. I wash my car at least once every week. If the weather is sunny, then once every 2 days. Yesh I'm a cleanliness freak when it comes to my car.

4. Speaking about cleanliness, I hate it when other people sit on my bed without my permission. And this include my parents and my bros. I never sleep on my bed without bathing. If I didn't bath, I'll rather sleep on the floor, or on my brothers' bed. Muahahahahahaahaha

5. I love mushrooms. Totally. Any kinds of mushrooms will do as long as they are mushrooms. So if anyone wants to feed me, just add in mushrooms. But please, no strawberries....

*As for Rule 2 and 3, since I can't think of even 2 other buggers who blog as frequent as me.... so I think I have to pass on this... :)